CEX - Get OHLCV Candles

The CEX - Get OHLCV Candles node fetches OHLCV candles for a given trading pair from a centralized exchange.


  • exchange:

    • description: The exchange from which the OHLCV candles will be fetched.

    • allowed types: CryptoExchange

    • default value: None

  • symbol:

    • description: The trading pair symbol for which the OHLCV candles will be fetched.

    • allowed types: string

    • default value: None

  • num_candles:

    • description: The number of data points (candles) to retrieve.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: 0

  • timeframe:

    • description: The timeframe of candles that will be fetched.

    • default value: None


  • description: The object containing the required candles data.

  • type: OHLCV


  • crypto

  • cex

  • technical analysis

Last updated