UniV2 - Copy Trading

The UniV2 - Copy Trading node copies the next Uniswap V2 trades performed in a single transaction by a given account.


  • wallet:

    • description: The EVM wallet used for performing the copied trades.

    • allowed types: EVMWallet

    • default value: None

  • address_to_copy:

    • description: The address of the EVM wallet from which the next trades will be copied.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • blockchain:

    • description: The name of the blockchain on which the trades have to be caught.

    • allowed types: BlockchainName

    • default value: None

  • token_to_sell:

    • description: The token to be sold for performing the trades. If set to copy from trade it uses the same token sold in the trade that is being copied. If set to coin, it uses the native coin of the blockchain.

    • allowed types: "coin", "copy from trade"

    • default value: "copy from trade"

  • amount_usd:

    • description: The amount of usd to be converted into the input token and used for the trades.

    • allowed types: decimal

    • default value: 0

  • slippage:

    • description: The slippage tolerance for the swapping transaction.

    • allowed types: decimal

    • default value: 0


  • description: The transaction objects representing the performed swaps.

  • type: list of EVMTransaction


  • crypto

  • EVM

  • ERC20

  • uniswap

  • DEX

  • copy trading

Last updated