UniV2 - Get OHLCV Candles

The UniV2 - Get OHLCV Candles node fetches OHLCV candles for a given Uniswap V2 trading pair.


  • base_currency:

    • description: The address of the base currency token of the pair for which the candles are to be fetched. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • quote_currency:

    • description: The address of the quote currency token of the pair for which the candles are to be fetched. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • num_candles:

    • description: The number of data points (candles) to retrieve.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: 0

  • timeframe:

    • description: The timeframe of candles that will be fetched.

    • default value: None

  • blockchain:

    • description: The name of the blockchain on which the pair for which the candles are to be fetched exists.

    • allowed types: BlockchainName

    • default value: None


  • description: Retrieves OHLCV candles for a Uniswap V2 pair.

  • type: OHLCV


  • crypto

  • dex

  • uniswap

  • technical analysis

Last updated