UniV2 - Catch Next Trade

The UniV2 - Catch Next Trade node waits for the next transaction containing Uniswap V2 trades performed by a given account and returns information about the trades.


  • address_to_watch:

    • description: The address of the EVM wallet from which the trade has to be caught.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • blockchain:

    • description: The name of the blockchain on which the trade has to be caught.

    • allowed types: BlockchainName

    • default value: None


  • description: A list of UniswapV2Trade objects containing all the trades' relevant information.

  • type: list of UniswapV2Trade objects


  • crypto

  • EVM

  • uniswap

  • copy trading

  • DEX

Last updated