UniV2 - Limit Sell

The UniV2 - Limit Sell node creates a limit sell order on Uniswap V2.


  • input_token:

    • Description: The address of the token that will be sold when the target price is reached. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • Allowed types: EVMAddress

    • Default value: None

  • output_token:

    • Description: The address of the token that will be bought when the target price is reached. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • Allowed types: EVMAddress

    • Default value: None

  • target_price:

    • Description: The price at which the swap will execute, expressed as the amount of the output token received per unit of the input token.

    • Allowed types: decimal

    • Default value: 0

  • amount:

    • Description: The amount of the input token to be swapped.

    • Allowed types: decimal

    • Default value: 0

  • wallet:

    • Description: The wallet to be used for the swapping transaction.

    • Allowed types: EVMWallet

    • Default value: None

  • slippage:

    • Description: The slippage tolerance for the swapping transaction.

    • Allowed types: decimal

    • Default value: 0

  • blockchain:

    • Description: The name of the blockchain on which the order has to be placed.

    • Allowed types: BlockchainName

    • Default value: None


  • No output


  • crypto

  • EVM

  • ERC20

  • uniswap

  • DEX

Last updated