
Description: CryptoExchangeOrder represents a detailed record of a cryptocurrency trading order on a centralized exchange. It encapsulates various attributes of the order, providing a comprehensive overview of its status, conditions, and results.


  • amount (Optional):

    • Description: The total quantity of the asset traded in the order.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • average (Optional):

    • Description: The average price at which the order was filled.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • client_order_id:

    • Description: A unique identifier for the order assigned by the client.

    • Value type: alphanumeric string (e.g., "abc123xyz")

  • cost (Optional):

    • Description: The total cost of the filled part of the order.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • datetime (Optional):

    • Description: The date and time when the order was created.

    • Value type: string in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2023-07-17T12:45:00Z")

  • fee (Optional):

    • Description: The fee charged by the exchange for executing the order.

    • Value type: object containing cost and currency

  • fees:

    • Description: A list of fees charged by the exchange for executing the order.

    • Value type: List of objects containing cost and currency

  • filled (Optional):

    • Description: The quantity of the order that has been filled.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • id:

    • Description: A unique identifier for the order assigned by the exchange.

    • Value type: alphanumeric string (e.g., "order789def")

  • info:

    • Description: Additional information about the order.

    • Value type: Object containing detailed order information

  • last_trade_timestamp (Optional):

    • Description: The timestamp of the last trade that was part of the order.

    • Value type: integer representing milliseconds since the Unix epoch (e.g., 1626508820000)

  • last_update_timestamp (Optional):

    • Description: The timestamp of the last update to the order.

    • Value type: integer representing milliseconds since the Unix epoch (e.g., 1626508820000)

  • post_only (Optional):

    • Description: Indicates if the order is a post-only order.

    • Value type: boolean (True or False)

  • price (Optional):

    • Description: The price at which the order is set.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • reduce_only (Optional):

    • Description: Indicates if the order is a reduce-only order.

    • Value type: boolean (True or False)

  • remaining (Optional):

    • Description: The quantity of the order that remains unfilled.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • side (Optional):

    • Description: The side of the order, either "buy" or "sell".

    • Value type: string (e.g., "buy")

  • status (Optional):

    • Description: The current status of the order.

    • Value type: string (e.g., "open")

  • stop_loss_price (Optional):

    • Description: The stop-loss price for the order.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • stop_price (Optional):

    • Description: The stop price for the order.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • symbol:

    • Description: The trading pair symbol for the order.

    • Value type: string (e.g., "BTC/USD")

  • take_profit_price (Optional):

    • Description: The take-profit price for the order.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • time_in_force (Optional):

    • Description: The time in force policy for the order.

    • Value type: string (e.g., "GTC" - Good Till Cancelled)

  • timestamp (Optional):

    • Description: The timestamp when the order was created.

    • Value type: integer representing milliseconds since the Unix epoch (e.g., 1626508800000)

  • trades:

    • Description: A list of trades that have been executed as part of the order.

    • Value type: List of objects containing trade information

  • trigger_price (Optional):

    • Description: The price at which a conditional order is triggered.

    • Value type: decimal number

  • type (Optional):

    • Description: The type of the order.

    • Value type: string (e.g., "limit")

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