Send ERC20 USD Value

The Send ERC20 USD Value node transfers a specific USD amount of an ERC20 token from an account to another account.


  • wallet:

    • description: The EVM wallet used for transferring the tokens. Requires an EVMWallet instance.

    • allowed types: EVMWallet

    • default value: None

  • from_address:

    • description: The address of the wallet used for transferring the tokens.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • to_address:

    • description: The address to which the tokens will be transferred.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • token:

    • description: The token that will be transferred. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • amount_usd:

    • description: The amount of the ERC20 token in USD value.

    • allowed types: decimal

    • default value: 0

  • blockchain:

    • description: The name of the blockchain on which the transactions will occur.

    • allowed types: BlockchainName

    • default value: None


  • No output.


  • crypto

  • EVM

Last updated