UniV2 - Buy on Indicator Signal

The UniV2 - Buy on Indicator Signal node performs a buy on a Uniswap V2 trading pair when a technical indicator signal appears.


  • base_currency:

    • description: The address of the base currency token of the pair for which the candles will be fetched. This is the token that will be bought when the signal appears. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • quote_currency:

    • description: The address of the quote currency token of the pair for which the candles will be fetched. This is the token that will be sold when the signal appears. It must be the token contract address, not its name.

    • allowed types: EVMAddress

    • default value: None

  • num_candles:

    • description: The number of data points (candles) to retrieve.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: None

  • timeframe:

    • description: The timeframe of candles on which the technical indicator will be computed.

    • default value: None

  • indicator_name:

    • description: The name of the technical indicator to be calculated.

    • allowed types: IndicatorName

    • default value: None

  • window1 [Optional]:

    • description: The first time window needed for the indicator calculation.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: None

  • window2 [Optional]:

    • description: The second time window needed for the indicator calculation.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: None

  • window3 [Optional]:

    • description: The third time window needed for the indicator calculation.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: None

  • signal_threshold [Optional]:

    • description: The threshold for the indicator's signal calculation. For the EMA, HIGHBBAND, HIGHDONCHIAN, HIGHKC, LOWBBAND, LOWDONCHIAN, LOWKC, PSAR, SMA, and TRIX, the threshold must be left empty and the price values will be used as thresholds. For all other indicators, a threshold must be specified.

    • allowed types: integer

    • default value: None

  • threshold_operator:

    • description: The operator to apply between the values of the computed indicator and the signal threshold for the indicator's signal calculation.

    • allowed types: OperatorType

    • default value: None

  • amount:

    • description: The amount of the base token to be swapped when the signal is verified.

    • allowed types: decimal

    • default value: 0

  • wallet:

    • description: The wallet to be used for the swapping transaction.

    • allowed types: EVMWallet

    • default value: None

  • slippage:

    • description: The slippage tolerance for the swapping transaction.

    • allowed types: decimal

    • default value: 0

  • blockchain:

    • description: The name of the blockchain on which technical analysis and the swapping transaction will occur.

    • allowed types: BlockchainName

    • default value: None



  • crypto

  • EVM

  • uniswap

  • technical analysis

  • DEX

Last updated